Game for Trijam#281 with the theme "Deep Dive".

You've set out to make five abyssal diamonds. But to do so, you need to collect around fifty underwater crystals.

Is that easy? Think again!

Aboard the "ECHO" exploration capsule, dive into the abyssal hole. Then treat yourself to a little aquatic walk to extract some crystal! But watch out for the jolts! It's going to be an arduous journey, and you'll need to make sure that the capsule holds together, otherwise you're finished!


Controls :

Move :
Arrows / WASD / ZQSD

Action :
Enter / Enter repeatedly and quickly.

Drive the capsule :
1. "Enter" in front of the control table
2. Then Use the arrows / AD / QD to drive the capsule.
3. "Enter" to stop driving the capsule.


Completion time : 10h live on Twitch (I'm exhausted)

I'm getting worse and worse at respecting the 3-hour time limit! But I'm making games I like, so I'm happy. I'll try not to overdo it next time, though.

I did all the code, assets and sounds.

Font : nokia_cellphone

Free music :
- Duke Ellington & His Orchestra: East Saint Louis Toodle-Oo (1927)
- 1927 HITS ARCHIVE: The Best Things In Life Are Free - George Olsen (Bob Borger, vocals)
- Puttin' On The Ritz [Song by Irving Berlin] 1930

I used Construct 3, Aseprite and Chiptone

Credits: Harold GEORGE




Jeu pour la Trijam#281 avec le thème "Deep Dive".

Vous avez entrepris de fabriquer cinq diamants abyssaux. Mais leur confection nécessite pour cela de réunir une cinquantaine de cristaux sous-marins.

Facile ? Détrompez-vous !

A bord de la capsule d'exploration "ECHO", plongez dans le trou abyssal. Puis offrez vous une petite promenade aquatique pour miner du cristal ! Mais attention aux secousses ! Le voyage risque d'être ardu, il vous faudra vous assurer que la capsule tient bon, sinon, vous êtes fichu !


Contrôles :

Se déplacer :
Les flèches / WASD / ZQSD

Action :
Entrée / Entrée de manière répétée et rapide

Conduire la capsule :
1. Entrée devant la table de contrôle
2. Puis Les flèches / AD / QD pour conduire la capsule.
3. Entrée pour arrêter de conduire la capsule.


Temps de réalisation : 10h en live sur Twitch (je suis épuisé)

C'est de pire en pire niveau respect des 3h ! Mais je fait des jeux qui me plaisent alors je suis content. J'essayerai quand même de ne pas trop abuser la prochaine fois.

J’ai fait l’entièreté du code, des assets et des sons.

Typo : nokia_cellphone

Musique libre de droit :
- Duke Ellington & His Orchestra: East Saint Louis Toodle-Oo (1927)
- 1927 HITS ARCHIVE: The Best Things In Life Are Free - George Olsen (Bob Borger, vocal)
- Puttin' On The Ritz [Song by Irving Berlin] 1930

J’ai utilisé Construct 3, Aseprite et Chiptone

Crédits : Harold GEORGE


Updated 17 days ago
Made withChipTone, Construct
Tagsconstruct3, Game Jam, Indie, Pixel Art, Retro, Trijam
Average sessionA few minutes
LanguagesEnglish, French


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the vide this game gives is amazing! The way you managed to make such diffcult controls feel this simple and easy to understand is impeccable!

Thank you! I was a bit worried that the controls would be a bit fuzzy and that people would abandon the game before understanding how it all worked. Your comment reassures me!

So so cool!

The visuals, sound design, and overall vibe are awesome! I'm always impressed that you're able to do a French and English translation for your games^^

The gameplay feels really nice and polished, even with my bad skills I was able to win in three tries.

I admit that I didn't try to drive the capsule, my strategy was to play only by swimming outside all the time. I failed too often when I tried to do both, so I didn't see the point, but that's probably just because I'm very bad at games xP

Overall, it's a very good experience and feels like a very complete short game.


(Also, it was great to see you live stream the process and answer our questions live! 10 hours seems too much, no wonder you're exhausted ^^ Maybe next time you should cut the stream even if the game isn't totally finished or take breaks and come back later :P I look forward to seeing you stream the development of future games to inspire and motivate us even more!)

Hey Noamoa!

Thanks for your kind comment!

As for the translation, it's really a key point for me, even though I'm terrible at English! (Luckily there are tools to help!) And here I had to record myself (it's a pretty funny sequence in the stream). But hey, I think the French accent must have some charm in the English version of the audio.

As for the gameplay, I think it's a bit hard to get to grips with at first, but then I find the balance of game mechanics pretty cool. It's true that driving the capsule doesn't seem to be essential (personally, I do better by anticipating where the spaces are less dense with rocks, thanks to the sonar, and then I move the capsule accordingly).

And thanks for stopping by on the stream^^ 10 hours was indeed a bit extreme! The next game, the goal, is to make it small! a game in 3 hours, just 3 hours, nothing but 3 hours!

But then, apart from the fact that I'm not hydrating (and I'm going to have to change that), a 10-hour stream is also extremely galvanizing! And I'm so happy to see that there are still people watching (and I've even had 3 raids! The beginning of glory haha!).

I also look forward to your next games. When you talked about it during my stream, you seemed disappointed by your participation in this trijam. But personally, I'm always amazed by your games, and often touched by the sensitivity I find in them. Anyway, I look forward to seeing you again in the trijam world or elsewhere!

(1 edit)

The French accent is perfect haha ^^ With the music and the overall vibe, I think it fits well :P

For the gameplay, I think the difficulty is well balanced because I often find this kind of games very frustrating and it was not the case with this one. I tried again, making a better use of the sonar and I think you're right, once I found a good rythm, I went pretty deep while being able to drive the capsule from time to time.

Thank you for your kind words, it's motivating :) Hopefully I'll see you (drinking water) in your next stream!

Thanks for your comment!

It's true that you need to be organised to get to the fifth diamond, and piloting the capsule helps you avoid the dangerous rock piles (which you can spot with the sonar). But you also have to be careful not to let the crystals slip away too much, because after a while it really does get chaotic down there :D! All in all, I think I'm pretty happy with the game's difficulty.

And actually, I don't know at what point I imagined I'd be able to do this game in three hours :/ But once I'd passed the time limit, I preferred to make the game look entirely like what I had in mind (and the sound atmosphere was clearly something I was aiming for with this game).

Thanks for playing!

I was so close to getting my 5th diamond!

The vibe is great, I love the voice acting and how the music sounds echoey when you're out of the capsule. There's a lot of details that make it obvious why this couldn't be done in anything close to 3 hours.

I did best after I gave up on trying to drive the capsule and just tried to keep up with repairs. Next time I'll have to make better use of the sonar. It gets hectic for sure!