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I won! This is such a great puzzle game, I'd have happily played more levels. The art is so wonderful, with the characters fitting into different block shapes with such style. And the little stories about the employees are great. I especially liked the two symmetric coffee drinkers.

Level 5 was the hard one for me. I like Dwayne though, because he adds the most difficult constraint, which gives you a starting point to work with. Once Elizabeth becomes friends with him it's easier because the solution space is more obviously constrained.

I had some difficulties finding room to rotate and manipulate the pieces, and occasionally a piece would bounce back and settle into a 45-degree position and I'd have to refresh the page. But thanks to the level navigation it wasn't frustrating and I could go right back to the level I was working on.

Oh, thanks for playing :D And congratulations on finishing all the levels!

I'm thinking of improving this game for a bigger version, with more levels, more characters, more music, all that!

And indeed, rotating the characters is really the most restrictive thing at the moment. I'm going to see if there's a way of making the characters overlap to save space, but hopefully that won't create any other problems! The same goes for the bug at 45degrees, I noticed it, I'll have to fix it...

You must be the only person who likes Dwane and Elisabeth! :D It's true that he and she are the cornerstones of all the puzzles at the moment.

Really cool game with a pretty artstyle. Got stuck on the forth level though and gave up after a bit. Fun nontheless! The "pieces" were well designed both in terms of needs and shape, the way the bodies "flows" into the shape looks soo good.

P.S. Dwane and Elisabeth are the bane of my company

Many thank's! Yes, from the moment Dwane is hired, it gets really difficult. I'll try to make the game more levels and therefore more progressive.

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Very cool concept for a little casual game! And very impressive within the time limit! I managed to finish all the levels and it was super fun, I could have played longer :D I admit I had some issues with the controls, especially the rotation (on mobile it broke at some point and on desktop it was a bit slow and not easy to find enough space to rotate the characters) but there's a high probability that it's just my computer/phone that are the culprits. I love the aesthetics too! If you ever make other levels or an improvement to this game, I'll check it out :) (also Dwane is very annoying and should be fired, I'll replace them with a plant for Albertine haha)


Thanks a lot!

I'm really proud of the final result, even if I can see a lot of room for improvement (including the rotation, which works pretty well with the mouse wheel, but very poorly when you double-click/double-tap).

And congratulations on finishing all the levels.

I was afraid it was going to be too difficult, but I've already had some feedback from people who've finished them all, so I'm a bit reassured (although I'm still considering a little help system, should I ever need to continue this game).

I'm really thinking of improving the game in the future and making a larger version (probably with a more ergonomic interface for mobile).

Maybe I'll make some improvements live on Twitch 😉

Thanks for stopping by to see the live stream.

It was a great pleasure. I went to see your games on afterwards and realized that it was you who had made the great "Goodbye" game that I'd loved!

(And as for Dwane... I must admit he's not easy to place! I'll think about his situation 🤔)

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You can be proud, it's really good and works well all together.

I used only double-tap/double-click when I was testing so that explains my issues probably.

I'm glad to hear you'll keep working on this! I think it could be a great full game!

Thank you for your comment on "Goodbye" haha, I'm glad you liked it ^^ "This is..." was the first game of yours that I played I think and it was really impressive!

(And for Dwane, I like him in the end, I just had some difficulties in the last levels because of him and I was still a little bitter when I wrote the comment I think :P )