Game for Trijam#284 with the theme ‘Build during the day, defend at night’.

Build your tower during the day. Reach 100 floors to reach the heavens, from where the Almighty dominates you. But at night, fear the lightning wrath of God who wants to punish your insolence and defend your tower at all costs!


Controls :

By day:

- click anywhere to build the tower floor (try to build a straight tower!).

By night :

- click on the clouds before they strike the tower.
- click on the holy grenades when they appear to widen your tower a little.


Completion time : 3h05 live on Twitch (The last five minutes were bug fixes, but they were essential fixes...)

I did all the code, assets and sounds.

Font : this is the default sprite font on Construct 3.
Title font : Liva

I used Construct 3, Photoshop, beepbox.co for the music and ChipTone for the sounds.

Credits : Harold GEORGE




Jeu pour la Trijam#284 avec le thème "Build during the day, defend at night".

Le jour, construisez votre tour. Atteignez 100 étages pour atteindre les cieux d'où le Tout-Puissant vous domine. Mais la nuit, craignez la colère foudroyante de Dieu qui veut punir votre insolence et défendez votre tour coûte que coûte !


Contrôles :

Le jour :

- cliquez n'importe où pour construire l'étage de la tour (essayez de construire une tour droite !)

La nuit :

- cliquez sur les nuages avant qu'ils ne foudroient la tour.
- cliquez sur les saintes grenades lorsqu'elles apparaissent pour élargir un peu votre tour.


Temps de réalisation : 3h05 en live sur Twitch (Les cinq dernières minutes c'est de la correction de bug, mais c'était de la correction essentiel...)

J’ai fait l’entièreté du code, des assets et des sons.

Typo : c'est la sprite font par défaut sur Construct 3.
Typo du titre : Liva

J’ai utilisé Construct 3, Photoshop, beepbox.co pour la musique et ChipTone pour les sons.

Crédits : Harold GEORGE


Updated 14 days ago
Made withChipTone, Construct
TagsArcade, chiptune, Indie, Short, Singleplayer, Trijam
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsMouse, Touchscreen
AccessibilityOne button, Textless


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 70 and then i gave up coz my fingers went numb 

I went and watched the replay of your live, sorry about your fingers xD Thanks for playing my game!


This is awesome. Great job with this. Feels like a mobile game in the best of ways.

Many thank's !


I like this! Simple and effective, and soooo close to 3 hours.

I am very proud of winning. It got very hectic at the end.

Take that, God!

Thank you so much! Actually I think it's a bit long to get to the end, but at least it's true that the final battle is epic !

Thanks for playing, and bravo for defeating God, I'm sure he won't be doing it again anytime soon !


Fun twist on those classic tower building games, and the style is amazing. Props for doing everything yourself in such a short time!

Thank you so much!

I usually struggle to meet Trijam's 3-hour deadline. I'm glad I almost made it this time! I told myself that to be quick and efficient I had to opt for a minimalist style. So I'm delighted you liked the style 😄