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Definitely challenging but I couldn't resist those sound effects. I'm now also spending time reading about the Dahu since I had never heard of it before soooo that's also a plus!

I transformed the Dahu a little. Normally, its legs are longer on the left or the right. It's mostly a prank played by the mountain dwellers of the time on city dwellers: the idea was to take them on a wild goose chase. Of course, this was impossible because the Dahu does not exist. But even today, the Dahu is a joke used to tease the most naive. In short, I don't know much about the folklore of my native region, but the Dahu has always left an impression on me :)

Thanks for playing my game! I'm glad you liked the sound effects :D

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I wanted to finish the game before commenting and I'm proud to announce that I did it!!

This is a super fun and cute game, it feels easy to retry and progress even if it's a "punishing" game, I like it like that. Visuals and sound design are as awesome as the gameplay (as always). And the little "cinematic" scene at the beginning makes it very complete.

Great job! It's impressive even for 6hours!

(PS: so sad my internet does not allow me to follow your streams lately, but I'm glad to see you're still developing CozyCompany and I'll keep an eye on your projects ;) )

Great! Finishing the game is a challenge, well done!

I'm pretty pleased with this opening cinematic. I don't know if it does what I originally imagined, but it does have the advantage of adding a little more charm to this little game.

(And if the internet doesn't let you, I'm still glad I caught a glimpse of you during the last stream ! :D)

make dahu fly

Thank you so much for streaming my game! And sorry if I'm not more talkative in the chat: unfortunately I have to use an online translator because I'm really terrible at English. But thank you for your compliments, they really touched me :)

Je suis une quiche absolue !!! je n'ai pas encore dépassé le troisième point de contrôle, mais je m'éclate tellement à écouter ce petit dahu et à le regarder chuter que ce n'est pas grave ! Beau boulot, simple dans son concept mais efficace et réjouissant. D'avoir été présente durant l'entièreté du live et d'avoir suivi la création du jeu en direct me le rend encore plus attachant. j'encourage les autres joueurs à tenter l'aventure du live, c'est juste passionnant ! Merci Douckdouck. 

En même temps, le jeu est vraiment dur ! Le moindre faux pas nous met dans la panade (et parfois même quand on réattéri bien, le jeu est injuste !) Mais effectivement, je crois que c'est drôle que ce soit difficile.

Bref, merci pour ton retour !

Et merci bien sûr d'être passé sur le live et d'y être resté tout du long ! Je suis content que l'expérience t'aie plu :D

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Those NOISES though, I cannot stop laughing every time I fall, which is good because I've fallen at least a hundred times.

What an excellent game concept. And I learned about a new animal!

I'm SO CLOSE to the finish but I can't quite get to the checkpoint just before it. I can get to the ledge right under it consistently, but am not sure whether I just need to be more pixel perfect on my jump or whether my strategy is wrong.

I am determined to win this game, please send help

EDIT: I WONNNNNNNN (Just needed to tweak my positioning)

Thanks for playing! Creating the noises was indeed a particularly hilarious moment :D

It's true that the last section of the game is a bit difficult and almost pixel perfect, but there are at least two ways to get through it, if you position yourself well. I'm glad you managed it!

I'll just leave this here for those who would like to enrich their lives:


What do you mean, that's not how professional sound designers make their sounds? :D Oops!